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The name Radically Eccentric says it all! Google radically then eccentric and you will get it!! I am just a young college grad seeking the Lord with all I have.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


So this Kony thing is viral, and people are starting to state their opinions, the good and bad.

Just recently, I was on FB and a friend posted that she wasn't buying it, and I guess wanted to know how legit it was. I replied with something like its nothing new...don't just jump on the bandwagon because it's the hottest new topic...but truly be concerned...sincere...genuine...passionate...proactive and not reactive...don't feed into what the media tells you but do your own research...there's other issues in the world too that need attention, and OMG I was seriously attacked (in my mind) by other FBers!

Since I said the media, they assumed I was talking about God knows what, and NWO, Free Masons, Government, etc., and pretty much took EVERYTHING I SAID OUT OF CONTEXT!!!!!! It was horrible....

No I'm not a mean green furry Grinch and I am a really really passionate, proactive, time giving, financial contributor of not just American but WORLD issues.  It's just one of my callings in life and it upsets me when I see people get involved with the wrong motives. I am NOT saying that everyone does nor am I JUDGING anyone or have become a sour puss from previous experience, I am just really sick and tired of being a sick and tired broke down nation of Christians.

I could care less if New World Order is legit or not, the purpose of the free masons, and whatever else. My point is that there IS A SPIRITUAL WARFARE GOING ON. And that right there is LEGIT!

If we are going to stand up and fight...then let us stand up and FIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Yes I do admit there is some stuff that I could have explained better or not said at all, but I am human, and I make mistakes and sometimes will go against what I know, and get all up in my feelings. I am not perfect, but when I am lead to be the messenger, I WILL be, no doubt about it! And I will NEVER apologize for it. NEVER!

So here is my stance:
  •  This situation is terrible and it is happening, but I serve a God that is bigger than this though and can BEAT it! All we have to do is come together with the right motives.
  • If we are going to come together for this issue, then lets not turn a blind eye to the child workers in sweat shops and in the fields across the world making the things that we use in our everyday lives. Or the childhood prostitution that is going on globally, etc.
  • Don't get caught up in what the media (YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, TV, WHATEVER) feeds you, but instead do your own research. Stay abreast of what is presented.
  • Be PROACTIVE (according to means acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty) and not REACTIVE. If you decide to be proactive and to do something, do it with your all. Be passionate and committed! Give it 177% (random #) or do nothing at all.
  • And when all else fails...PRAY! ;)
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Until Next Time,

    Zoporia <3

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