Hello Hello!
Welcome to my very first blog. Okay, so I am new at this, but it's much needed. Thanks for reading and sharing with your friends in advance. You won't be disappointed, but if you are, the best advice I can give is to pray about it.
So, the other day (as in Sunday), I was in church soaking up the environment. The presence of the Holy Spirit was definitely there, but as I looked around only about 1/3 of the congregation at this particular worship center was in true worship and in tune with The Spirit. What I witnessed broke my poor little heart. Which brings me too my very first blog.
I don't know what it is going to take for us Americans to wake up and realize that God doesn't NEED us, we need Him. I know that sounds harsh, but because God is the amazing God that He is, it gets better. While it's true that He doesn't need us, it doesn't just stop there, He WANTS to have a relationship with us!!! I don't know about you, but that just blows my mind!!!!!!! It tears me up on the inside!!!!!! It deserves a GLORY!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!! It bends me over!!!!!!! My eyes swell with tears as I shake my head side to side because I know how unworthy I am. Unworthy: lacking merit, undeserving, not acceptable, not deserving attention, respect, or effort. But because God is abounding with grace and mercy, through Jesus Christ I am a worthy, deserving, acceptable being that God WANTS to have fellowship with. My God. My God.
Has your want for something ever outshone what you needed. I know for me I don't need cake after every meal I eat, but sometimes my desire for it is so strong. I'll go as far as ordering it before my meal. God's desire is so strong for us, according to 1 John 4:9, "God showed how much He loved us by sending His one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him."
Now that is love, and if you don't get it, reread it and think about it until you do. There is no way in the world I would send anybody I cherished, to die for everybody everywhere. I don't have kids, but supposedly you love your kids more than you could ever love any other person, so I just don't think I would be able to put my child through what Jesus went through (which is another blog) for somebody like me.
I am made to worship in Spirit and in Truth and that thought alone demands deeper worship for God. Put that on top of all the trials and tribulations He has brought me through, rent being paid even though I didn't have the money for it, my LIFE, a sound mind, food in my belly, clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, extra money in my pocket to be able to go through a drive-thru on a weekly basis, all the luxuries of life I complain about but get to experience!!! My God, He is good, and I honestly feel that when I go to church, all the "Christians" should be in a worship that extends far inward from the outer surface (deep). This is the type of worship we should be in:
I don't know about you but this picture (taken from pinterest) provokes all different kinds of emotions in me!!!!!!!!!! Regardless of the emotion this pictures stires up, there's one common ground...worship!
And these are sweet precious kids (I honestly still want to call them babies) that are deep in their worship. An earthquake could probably come through, and they wouldn't even be phased by it they are so deep in worship! I just love it!
The fastest way to get to this kind of worship, is to be real with yourself. I believe if you are truly real, you wouldn't be sitting up in church thinking (I said thinking! You wouldn't dare say it, but you think it) Sis. King crazy cause she running around shouting "GLORY," or that whoever shouldn't be talking in tongues because you saw them cuss the cashier out at the grocey store the night before. If we were real with ourselves, we would be running around and shouting in unknown languages right along with them!!!! That is nothing but the devil that allows us to inhibit our praise out of fear!!! Just think of all the Hell God has brought you out of, or where you could have been, on top of Jesus dying for us...
I know these precious babies have been through way more than probably the oldest living American has been through, but with praise and worship like that, God is pleased!!!
So let's get our act together and do better!!! Let your praise be the breakthrough that a random homeless person needs or a single parent struggling to feed their kids need!!! Let us all start praising in Spirit and in Truth!!!! <3
Until next time,
Zoporia <3
This is by far one of my favorite blog posts I have read in a long time. The beautiful thing about worship is that it knows no age. The love we can prosper back to God truly is blind. It is blind no matter the race, rage, or walk of life.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Z for sharing this. I'm sitting here at work (right now) almost about to cry because of the overwhelming joy I feel for Christ and for this little children. If anyone has a child-like faith it is definitely these children!
Praise God
Ok! So it took me a minute to figure out how to comment back!
ReplyDeleteSo 1st things 1st: I DIDN'T KNOW YOU BLOGGED! I'm following you!!!!
Now: Those two pics just overwhelm me so much!!! They stir my emotions up inside!!! I wish we could all worship like that and then some!!!!!
It took me 7 tries to realize I couldn't comment on your blog so here it is (lol):
ReplyDeleteOk so this is my third time trying to comment to this post. It won't do it...creepy!
I am going to send a friend to your blog because they described this to me literally the exact same way.
I have horrible nightmare (which probably arent nearly as scary as being paralyzed while this impending doom suffocates you) constantly, and it's so sad to just be "use" to these devilish things. They are just part of what makes us...us!