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The name Radically Eccentric says it all! Google radically then eccentric and you will get it!! I am just a young college grad seeking the Lord with all I have.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ridic! Baby Bangs

So I came across a website called baby bangs, and it's a freaking hot mess! Before I post the picture I just want to say that I am not knocking any body's hustle and believe me I respect a good hustle, but this right here is some foolishMESS. lol. I don't know who is capitalizing on this mega million dollar project (lol), but whoever it is is BOLD! I guess they felt sorry for all the bald headed babies in the world and knew that weave is a lucrative business, and said, "Hey! Why don't I attach some weave to a headband for all the bald headed lil babies!" And let me tell you, that's exactly what they did! Ladies and gentlemen, you can now quit looking at your babies shiny little head and get on over to baby bangs. Don't worry, they have bangs in all colors and hair textures. So that means the nappy headed lil baby can be just as pretty as the slick haired baby. lol

My question is why haven't they started a line called grown woman bangs (IDK about y'all acting brand new but I know a couple of people who need, and would buy some! I'm from Dallas okay!! HMWCOTW (Hot Mess Weave Capital Of The World)). I might need to pitch that to them so I can get a cut of profits for my idea. I would just start up a line by myself, but I am too courteous to just go around stealing people's hustle. lol

Okay Okay I am through with my foolish thoughts, here are my serious thoughts. Numbero Uno: People wonder why little girls are growing up too fast, and can drop it like it's hot at 18 months...this is part of the reason. We need to stop dressing these precious babies up like we dress ourselves. A one year old baby girl should not be wearing a mini skirt with some fancy tights and boots to her thighs with the fur jacket to top it off. I have seen it. Girls are starting to get their nails done younger and younger, getting little heels put on their shoes, wearing all kinds of earrings besides the simple studs, and whatever else. Is this the message we want to send: A one year old with a baby bang who got her nails and toes painted, and is wearing a mini skirt with leopard tights, thigh high boots, with the fur jacket to top it. It might not be the one we want to send, but we are.

We are raising young girls to be insecure, materialistic, and to feel unpretty. All of which makes for vulnerability and a easy target for bullies. We need to be teaching kids from an early age that they are fearfully yet wonderfully made, they are made in the image of God, and not matter how they look and other's look, God is not looking at that, He is concerned about what is on the inside and that He loves them more than any other person could.

I'm just saying y'all!

Since I respect a hustle so much, I am going to link the website in case anybody reading want to hook a bald headed baby up for Christmas! Baby Bangs!

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